How does Office Web Apps / Office Online server integration work with Lync/SfB Server?

Office Online Server (OOS) is a latest version or new release of Office Web Apps Server. It plays an inimitable role for Microsoft UCC (Exchange, Lync/SfB, SharePoint) applications. In this blogpost, I’ll cover the integration workflow between Lync/SfB and OOS.

OOS provides enriched PowerPoint presentation view to Lync/SfB end-users.

When a user uploads PowerPoint file into the meeting, the file is sent to the OOS server without any conversion.

OOS performs encryption and saves the file to Lync/SfB content file share.

When you configure OOS in Lync/SfB at the time of topology configuration, you define base URL. When a user presents a file, the url is taken for customization with unique identifier, file ID and meeting ID etc as well as with additional security using session lifetime token and send it to all the clients.

Whenever an end user connects to this meeting and try to access broadcast URL, OOS send the instruction to the Lync/SfB FE server to get the file details.

FE server fetch the file details based on the file ID from Lync/SfB share folder and uploads to the OOS.

Finally, OOS sends the http response with current page to the participants.

Totally confuse L

Let’s try to understand this process through illustration:

Courtesy: MVA

When a user setups a conference and upload the presentation file, it first connects to the conference server and then share the file. As shown above in the image it works as follows:

  1. The Presenter/Sharer uploads the file to the Front End.
  2. The Front End save the shared file to the Skype for Business file share folder.
  3. The sharer user starts the file presentation though the Front End server.
  4. The Front End user send the broadcasting URL with a defined file ID and authentication token to all the participants.
  5. Participants send the HTTP instruction to get the broadcast URL though the Office Online server / Office Web Apps server.
  6. The Office Online server / Office Web Apps server send the instruction to the Front End server to get the file with the defined file ID.
  7. Front End server takes the file of that file ID from the Skype for Business file share folder.
  8. Front End server uploads the file to the Office Online server / Office Web Apps server.
  9. Office Online server / Office Web Apps server sends the
    HTTP response with current page to the participants.

2 thoughts on “How does Office Web Apps / Office Online server integration work with Lync/SfB Server?

  1. BigDW

    This is useful. Any insight on how a user coming in via the edge would look in that illustration? Proxy via edge, direct connect to OOS server?




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